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Elevate your wellness journey with professional Tai Chi and Chi Kung classes led by Sifu Greg Magwood. With options for both in-person and online participation, these classes are designed to align your body, mind, and spirit, promoting a “Fit and Vital for Life” lifestyle. Continue reading
Summer Classes We invite you to take part in summer classes being held outside on the shores of Moira Lake. The classes are for adults and children from three to ninety-nine years of age. The instruction is rich in ancient … Continue reading
I hate it when people suffer like this. People with arthritis in their hands want to do everything they can but they can only do so much until the pain sets it. With my martial arts mind, I call that … Continue reading
Hi Everyone, I will be running my first Zoom seminar on Sunday, August 23 at 10:00 a.m. EST. That’s the time frame I used to run my Black and Brown Belt classes when we could still gather and train together. … Continue reading
Sensei Jim Werden, head Sensei of Martial Paths has a new YouTube Channel, check it out!
Monday April 13th 9:30am – Chi Kung, Tai Chi and Internal Martial Arts 11am – Canadian Jiu Jitsu and Karate workout with Rosie and Sensei Magwood Tuesday April 14th 9:30am – Chi Kung, Tai Chi and Internal Martial Arts 11am … Continue reading