Arthritis in the Hands Seminar

I hate it when people suffer like this. People with arthritis in their hands want to do everything they can but they can only do so much until the pain sets it. With my martial arts mind, I call that an attack and I have only one response to that – I go after the attacker. This is self-defence time, medically speaking. And the counter-attack is relentless.

A gentleman who was working in a plant spent his shift putting product into bags and tying them up. After four hours of this, he couldn’t close his hands but he wanted to remain at that particular work station for the entire shift. I showed him an old martial arts technique which he did on his breaks. The result – he was able to easily close his hands and continue to the end of each shift.

For one solid hour, we will investigate all the techniques available to us via a special Zoom seminar called Arthritis in the Hands. Make no doubt about it, I want you or anyone you know who is suffering from arthritis to be able to move the fingers fluidly while retaining all dexterity with minimal or no pain.

This one hour course will not be a substitute for any advice or treatment from your health care practitioner. It is just a simple add on.

If you want to sign on, please e-transfer $20 (we’re talking big bucks here!) to with the word arthritis as the security answer. Once you’ve done that, I’ll send you the seminar I.D. and password.

After the seminar, I will send you a link where you can access the seminar over and over and over again until you have every word memorized!

Please pass this information on to folks you know who could benefit from this seminar in an extreme way.

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