During this time of social distancing, and since our colleagues in Ontario have graciously offered classes online, I thought we would share a link to our “YouJitsu” page. Our Dojo members access it via our Website, but we have provided the direct link for members of the Canadian Jiu Jitsu Council below.
The site provides the following:
- Specific curricular classes (eg: White Belt Hold Escapes)
- Jiu Jitsu Fitness Classes
- Specific Skills (eg: stretching videos & after throw technique videos)
- Warm-up Classes
- Combat Classes
we have approx 35 videos, all designed to keep us moving forward together as a community in this unusual time. We release 2 videos per week, one on Tuesday, one on Thursday. (We will be shutting down for August, tho).
To give you a flavor of our videos, here are a couple of links to videos
we’ve done recently: