Canadian Jiu Jitsu Council Black Belt Examination Results

Shodan, 1st Degree Black Belt

  • Paul Hilario (Hill)
  • Victoria Wisniewski (Hill)
  • Justin Haggerman (Hollman/Walther)
  • Scott Williams (Hollman/Walther)
  • Min Ji Jung (Viele)
  • Daniel Lachance (Hollman/Walther)
  • Sarah Keoughan (Hollman/Walther)
  • James Werden (Dafoe)
  • Matthew Hawley (Cassidy)
  • Owen Clark (Hollman/Walther)
  • Camden McGregor (Van Balen Walter/Conyors)

Nidan, 2nd Degree Black Belt

  • Bob Van Balen Walter (Dalley)
  • Michael Sheppard (Walther)
  • Peter Morris (Canning)
  • David Monteiro (Canning)

Godan, 5th Degree Black Belt

  • Greg Magwood (Walther)
  • Stephen Ow (Hughes)
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